Being the Change for Children's Mental Health

For Children’s Mental Health

Being The Change

The Time Is Now

“Right now, Colorado’s children uniquely need our help. It has been devastating to see suicide become the leading cause of death for Colorado’s children.” – Jena Hausmann, CEO of Children’s Hospital Colorado

Bryson’s Chase was incorporated in 2018 to assist families who need financial support when seeking children’s mental health care.

The last thing you want to worry about when seeking help for your child is finances. Whether it’s the cost of transportation to a care facility like Children’s Hospital Colorado or money to offset the out-of-pocket cost of therapy… we’re here to help.

We know what these families seeking youth mental health care are going through, we’ve personally been through it, and we’re here to be a resource.

Why We Exist

Breaking the stigma and shame that surrounds mental health starts with talking about it. This is our story; this is why we exist. Watch, share, and join us to raise awareness and resources for families who need pediatric mental health support in Colorado.

How Can I Get Involved?

We have a number of events and programs throughout the year that we’d for love you to attend and sponsor. All events and programs benefit those seeking children’s mental health services in Colorado.


Every Contribution Makes a Difference

Our goal is to limit all barriers for those needing and seeking help. Your donation is one major step toward breaking down those barriers and providing a pathway to change.